Happy 80th Birthday Papa: A Celebration of Life, Love and Indonesian Fashion

“Stay creative just like the Tanjung flower which fills the community with its lovely fragrance”, as always stated by the late Madam Bernadeth Joewono to her son, Mr Jos Tandjung.

On 18 September 2016, I hosted a luncheon to mark the 80th birthday (Octogenarian) of Mr Jos Tandjung, a man whom I proudly and dearly call my Father. In Javanese, 80th birthday is celebrated as Sepuluh Windu.

Born in 1936, when Indonesia was still a colony of the Netherlands, my Father has always been fascinated with the legal system. At 7 years old, Papa saw an Indonesian man being convicted by a Dutch judge. Since then, he was fascinated with the legal system which led him to study Law in Faculty of Law, University of Airlangga in Surabaya. This event would later establish him as one of the foremost civil servants in Indonesian Ministry of Justice.

In my family, birthdays are not celebrated regularly. However, octogenarian is a rare and blessed occasion, therefore Mom and I decided to host a unique celebration for Papa which accentuate his life and love.

In order to make the celebration more festive, we add a fashion element by putting on a special dress code. Guests were invited to wear their best attire of Indonesian traditional clothes/fashion.

And, voila, dapper gentlemen and beautiful women, who are influential Indonesian leaders, arriving at the venue looking regal in Indonesian fashion, such as Batik, Tenun, Songket, etc.

Indeed, Indonesian fashion diplomacy is fore-fronted throughout my Dad’s event by the Indonesian top-notch figures from politics, diplomacy, economics, academics, celebrities and Batik designers. From the iconic Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Indonesian Sixth President) to the charismatic Mr Guruh Sukarno Putra (Member of Parliament), from the elegant Madam Nila Moeloek (Minister of Health) to the charming Madam Yasmin Fachir (spouse of Vice Minister on Foreign Affairs), each guest arrived with his or her own style and grace while displaying the very best of Indonesian fashion.

I am so ecstatic to see that the event does not only function to celebrate my Father’s birthday but also a spectacle to witness the beauty of Indonesian fashion. Each attendee charmingly displayed their lovely Batik or Songket or Ikat attire.

Follow JET’s continued journey on fashion diplomacy in Instagram (@JETANDJUNG) and Facebook Page (JET’s Fashion Diplomacy).

Ps. Catatan Kecil untuk Sahabats Fashionistas dan Rekans Diplomats:

Sebagai seorang diplomat Indonesia, JET bercita-cita untuk menyelenggarakan suatu acara dimana dress code-nya mengacu pada busana Nusantara. Harapan JET terwujud dengan indah saat Tuhan menganugerahkan kesempatan untuk menjadi tuan rumah syukuran HUT ke-80 Bp Jos Tandjung (ayah JET). Undangan acara memuat bahwa dress code akan menekankan “A Touch of Nusantara”. Bagi tuan rumah suatu perhelatan/pesta, tidak ada yang lebih membahagiakan daripada menyaksikan suksesnya suatu pesta yang dihadiri anggota komunitas terdekat serta melihat bahwa tamu yang datang mengenakan dress code yang telah ditetapkan. Dress code diciptakan agar tamu tidak salah kostum, atau saltum istilah kerennya. Dari pengalaman saya baik menjadi tuan rumah perayaan atau pun hadir sebagai undangan, tamu mengikuti dress code untuk menghargai tuan rumah atau penyelenggara acara. Jika dress code dicantumkan dalam undangan, seyogyanya dress code tersebut diikuti. Apabila tidak diikuti, bisa jadi tamu yang hadir akan tampak out of place. Meskipun busana anda karya rancangan Karl Lagerfeld untuk Chanel, namun jika dress code-nya Batik Indonesia, maka anda akan tampak awkward dan aneh sendiri. JET bahagia dan bangga melihat penampilan seluruh tamu, baik VIP maupun sahabat dan keluarga yang hadir tampil sesuai dress code yaitu A Touch of Nusantara yang terdiri dari aneka Batik dan Wastra Indonesia. Happy 80th Birthday Papa, may God always grants His abundant blessings to you and Mama. JJJ

Mr Jos Tandjung, Mrs Henny Tandjung and JET with Guests of Honour, Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Indonesian Sixth President) and Madam Ani Yudhoyono.

Madam Ani Yudhoyono wear greenish Balinese Ikat dress with golden embroidery.

Both JET and Indonesian Sixth President wore classic Batik which is called sogan, due to its deep brown coloring.

In the past, the patterns worn by President SBY and JET are reserved only for Javanese nobility.

“Both Ibu Ani and I pray that God will continue to bless Bapak Jos Tandjung with good health and happiness”, as stated by President SBY on my Father’s 80th birthday.

Mr & Mrs Jos Tandjung and JET with Prof. Dr Nila Moeloek (incumbent Minister of Health) and Prof. Dr Faried A. Moeloek (former Minister of Health).

Mr Moeloek wear brownish Indonesian Batik shirt while Minister Moeloek wear violet colored and embroidered baju kurung.

Our family welcoming President SBY and Madam Ani Yudhoyono with Dr A.M. Fachir (Indonesian Vice Minister on Foreign Affairs) and Madam Yasmin Fachir.

The Vice Minister wears a dark blue Batik shirt, while Madam Fachir wear red colored kebaya and Batik sarong.

Mr Guruh Sukarno Putra, MP with Mr & Mrs Jos Tandjung and JET. Mr Guruh, who is the youngest son of Indonesia’s First President Sukarno, is an acclaimed Indonesian artist and Batik designer. He wears his own Batik creation.

Prof Dr Emil Salim (former Minister for Environment) dressed in traditional Batik shirt, and Mrs Roosminie Salim, wearing red kebaya and Songket sarong from Lombok, Nusa Tenggara.

The cutting of Tumpeng (yellow rice in the shape of a mountain).

My parents extended the top piece of the Tumpeng to President SBY and Madam Ani Yudhoyono as the Guests of Honour.

With H.E. Kristiarto Legowo (Secretary General of Foreign Ministry) wearing a handsome Batik shirt and Madam Caecilia Legowo in a set of elegant Batik sarong and kebaya.

With H.E. Mr Rezlan Jenie (former PR/Ambassador of Indonesia to UN in New York) and Madam Sally Jenie. Both display yellow colored Batik and tenun.

Dad with Madam Caecilia Legowo (spouse of Secretary General of Indonesian Foreign Ministry) and Madam Wiwik Oratmangun (spouse of Expert Staff to Minister), who wears an orangey Batik Papua dress.

Mr Jos and Mrs Henny Tandjung, both wear matching maroon colored Songket (golden woven threads). Mom wear hand-woven Karawang Gorontalo kebaya.

Ms Karina Surjanatamihardja, the dance maestro from Gema Citra Nusantara, steals the show by performing Trunajaya Dance, a traditional heroic dance from Bali.

The VVIP table (L-R):
Mrs Tatty Oetojo Oesman, Mr Oetojo Oesman (former Minister of Justice), H.E. Dr SBY (Indonesian Sixth President), Madam Ani Yudhoyono and Madam Yasmin Fachir (spouse of Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs) raised their glasses to wish my Dad’s well being.

The beautiful guests (L-R):
Ms Zelda Kartika, Ms Fanny Bebeb Djundjunan, H.E. Mrs Prianti Gagarin Djatmiko Singgih, Mrs Made Marthini, Ms Novita Yunus.

With H.E. Mr Jose Tavares (Director General for ASEAN Cooperation), Madam Rennie Wibowo Tavares and Ms Aniesa Wibowo.

Mr and Mrs Tavares wear tie dyed textile which is called Cindo from Palembang, South Sumatera.

H.E. Madam Prianti Gagarin delivered her testimony about Mr Jos Tandjung. Her Excellency is dressed in Novita Yunus for Batik Chic’s custom collection.

With Madam Bella Surya Bakti (spouse of Major General Agus Surya Bakti, Commander for Sulawesi Island), who wears a dress crafted from Tenun Lombok, Ms Ade Andrini and Ms Era Soekamto (Creative Director for Iwan Tirta Private Collection).

Ms Era Sukamto, who is the designer behind Iwan Tirta Private Collection, wears her own creation.

Ms Moniq Jennisa, Ms Novita Yunus (Batik Chic designer) wears her own creation for Batik Chic, Ms Zelda Kartika and Ms Ani Nigeriawati (Indonesian diplomats) at the photo booth.

Cousins wearing colorful Cindo tie dyed textile from Palembang, South Sumatera.
 (L-R): Mr Herbert Wongsosaputro, Mrs Novi Wongsosaputro, Mrs Thea Sutanta, JET, Mrs Yanti Utari, Mrs Irene Tjandra.

Burst of colors:
My Mother’s siblings, all wear Cindo tie dyed textile.

The super stylish diplomat brothers:
Mr Apung Nowid (left) and Dr Haryo Nugroho (right).

Ms Novita Yunus’s instagram displaying photo during the remarks by President SBY at the event.

Mr Erwin Parengkuan, the legendary Master of Ceremony, also look stunning in a brownish Cindo tie dyed shirt.

V stands for the Victorious 80 years of my Father. Thank You, God.

Caraka Loka, located in the Centre for Education and Training of Indonesian Foreign Ministry in Jakarta, is the venue for my Father’s 80th Birthday celebration. Look at the lovely flower arrangements sent by our family’s friends and colleagues.



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