New Year 2017 Resolution: Wear More Indonesian Batik & Fashion

“Batik is an art form,
By its inherent characteristics,
It is made for special people,
To be worn on special occasions”
(Iwan Tirta, Batik Maestro from Indonesia)

As we usher the brand new year, we generally contemplate on our goals for the past year. We will then set new aims in 2017. It is not a secret that for almost two years, I have been promoting Indonesian fashion diplomacy through a number of avenues, including this beloved blog of mine.

Let me now share with you a few resolutions to strengthenIndonesian fashion diplomacy that I plan to undertake in 2017:

1.    Wear more Indonesian Batik and textile for work

If Indians are proudly showing off their saree and Japanese are keen in wearing their kimonos while going to work, then we, Indonesians, should be proud with our Batik and traditional textiles. I am immensely proud to inform you that I was dressed in a green Batik shirt by Guruh Sukarno Putra when I delivered my Doctoral thesis presentation in the University of Sydney Law Faculty. Mr Guruh Sukarno Putra is the son of the late Sukarno, Indonesia’s first president and founding father. He is a renowned Indonesian artist, composer and Batik designer which creations are one-of-a-kind collectible items.

2.    Mainstream Indonesian fashion in any event, most notably during fashion events.

In abroad, there are various fashion events which sparked the media attention. Lads and ladies, be certain to dressed in Indonesian Batik and textile during these events. Such events are the perfect places to promote the remarkable culture of Indonesia through our attire. Accompanying Indonesian Consul General to NSW, SA and QLD, Dr Yayan Mulyana at the launching of Vogue Fashion Night Out/VFNO, in Sydney, JET wears a Batik Dudung cardigan designed by Didiet Maulana (IG: @didietmaulana). The VFNO was hosted by Ms Edwina McCann (Editor-in-Chief Vogue Australia) who stood next to Dr Mulyana in the photo.

At the fashion industry luncheon, hosted by Consul General and Madam Irene Mulyana (dressed in a hand-painted Batik coat by Handy Hartono), JET was clad in a brownish Eastern Nusa Tenggara jacket by Handy Hartono (IG: @handy.hartono). The event was attended by Ms Edwina McCann (Editor-in-Chief Vogue Australia) and Ms Courtney Miller (Australian Fashion Chamber), two highly influential figures of Australian fashion development.

3.    Celebrate Grand Soiree in Indonesian Batik and Tenun.

Even during the nights when one has to attend big parties or celebrate grand soiree –as the French calls it-, including the landing of Indonesian Navy ships in Woolloomooloo, Australia, never forget to wear Indonesian Batik and Tenun. Sikie Purnomo (IG: @sikiepurnomoreal) specially designed a a jacket crafted from Tenun (hand-woven) Makassar for JET.

Oh, how handsome I feel among these smart and lovely female Indonesian Navy cadets. J J J

4.    Always in Batik, even as we visit the mall!

Calling all mall-goers to wear Batik. Look at what I put on during a Batik hunting session with the graceful Madam Yasmin Fachir, spouse of Indonesian Vice Minister on Foreign Affairs. JET’s red Batik shirt by Alleira Batik (IG: @alleira_batik).

Mall-ing in abroad is even more fun as we get to introduce Batik to foreigners. While accompanying my dearest Mom, Mrs Henny Tandjung, on a make-up shopping spree in Westfield Mall at Bondi Junction, Sydney, JET wore a hand-stamped Batik shirt by Wira’s Bali.

5.    Weekend is the most fab time to promote Batik, especially in abroad.

Photographed by Mr Mario Hiutama, a famed photographer, I dressed in Balinese Tenun reversible jacket designed by Nita Seno Adji (IG: @nitapradipta12). What can be more fun than dressing up to the nines & posing at this very edge of the pristine Bondi beach? ;)

Yours truly, a.k.a Mister Matchy to the Max, toted a Damier patterned pouch to complement his Balinese endek jacket by Nita Seno Adji. Liking what you see, dashing gents and stunning ladies?

Mates, stay following JET’s endless fashion adventures in IG (@JETANDJUNG) and Facebook Page (JET’s Fashion Diplomacy).

Catatan Kecil untuk Sahabats Desainer dan Rekans Diplomat:

Tahun yang baru memanggil kita semua untuk membuat resolusi baru. Kalian pasti memiliki segudang resolusi. Ayooo sisipkan satu resolusi terkait promosi Batik dan fashion buatan Indonesia serta karya perancang busana Indonesia. Sebagai contoh, untuk sahabats yang sering bepergian keluar negeri dalam rangka pekerjaan atau pesiar, kini saatnya bagi sahabats untuk mengenakan Batik di luar negeri. Jika bangsa Jepang bangga dengan kimono, bangsa India bangga dengan sari, mengapa kita tidak dapat bangga dengan Batik yang merupakan warisan luhur budaya Indonesia? Bahkan sang Editor-in-Chief Vogue Australia, Ms Edwina McCann, yang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan arah mode pun mengakui bahwa Batik Indonesia merupakan wujud busana yang sangat menarik untuk komunitas fashion global di abad ke-21. In a nutshell, there is no more reason not to be proud in wearing and promoting Batik in abroad. Let us now promise ourselves to wear Batik, Ikat, Tenun, Songket, Tapis, Karawang and other textiles more regularly both for work and leisure. The time has come for all of us not just in introducing Batik but also encouraging dignitaries and friends to dress up in Batik and other Indonesian textiles.


