It is man's heart that the life of nature's spectacle exists: to see it, one must feel it
Jean Jacques Rousseau

When a work trip feels like a home coming one. This is what JET truly felt during a recent visit to Geneva. Strange yet there are places on Earth where one would feel entirely at home.

It was 2007 when I began working in the Indonesian Mission to the United Nations, WTO and International Organizations in Geneva. Working there until 2011, I had fond memories of the city, inhabitants, nature, arts and culture as well as culinary.

To be able to return to this enchanting city, although for a short while, is a dream comes true. I have not returned for years. Thus, it is a bliss to see that Geneva has not changed that much. It is as if time stands still in this beautiful city on the shores of Lake Leman.

Long before other cities serving as host of international conferences, Geneva has served for centuries as a place for peaceful negotiations. In 1919 Geneva was selected as the seat of League of Nations which then continued as the home of United Nations Office since 1946. This is long before New York hosted the United Nations Headquarter post World War II in 1952.

World Intellectual Property Organization, known as WIPO, is one of many international organizations that place its main office in Geneva.

Returning as an Indonesian delegate in a WIPO's Inter-Governmental Committee on Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expression, JET views that it is befitting to promote Indonesian Batik and Sarita outfits.

Batik and Sarita are only two of Indonesia's illustrious long list of traditional cultural expressions, known as folklore.

Catatan Singkat untuk Rekans Diplomat dan Sahabat Batik/Wastra
Partisipasi di konferensi atau pertemuan internasional adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mengedepankan busana yang terbuat dari Batik, Tenun, Ikat, Songket, Sarita dan berbagai jenis Wastra dari pelosok Nusantara. Dari lima hari konferensi, misalnya, sempatkanlah mengenakan Batik atau Wastra lainnya pada satu atau dua hari. Sesi debat umum dimana setiap delegasi dari 193 negara menyampaikan statement dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengenalkan ekspresi budaya tradisional Indonesia yang stand out. After all, siapa lagi kalau bukan kita, Warga Negara Indonesia, yang mempromosikan karya-karya apik dari Tanah Air?! Pilih busana yang nyaman, misalnya coat yang cocok dikenakan di musim semi dan gugur/dingin. Sebagaimana coat dari Elkana Gunawan yang saya kenakan, hangat dan colorfully appropriate for Spring, right?! Selalu bangga atas karya desainer Indonesia. Tetap kreatif dalam promosikan diplomasi busana Indonesia, sahabats dan rekans. :) :) :)

JET as Member of Indonesia's Delegation to the 39th Session of IGC Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore in WIPO, Geneva.

Seize the moment to promote Indonesian Batik anywhere and anytime. Batik jacket designed by Mr Elkana Gunawan, an Indonesian designer based in Semarang, Central Java Province (IG: @elkanagunawan).

Sawasdeeka Mrs Sawitri.

A short reunion with the seasoned delegate from Thailand, who also promoted her elegant Thai Silk jacket.

The Beau Rivage and the gentleman.

Wearing red Batik Jambi grand shawl.

Beau Rivage is one of the most historical buildings in Geneva, best known as a luxurious hotel that caters the Royalties and Heads of States.

At the Permanent Mission of Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and International Organizations.

Batik tie from Jember is a good choice to be worn for work and easy to mix and match.

Geneve, je t'aime pour toujours...

Geneva, I love you for always...

From the courtyard of Indonesian Mission, JET is dressed in a coat made from Sarita cloth, a traditional cloth of Toraja community in South Sulawesi. The coat is designed by Elkana Gunawan (IG: @elkanagunawan)

Almost sunset: a bird's eye view of enchanting Geneva and the Leman Lake surrounding the city as well as the Jet D'Eau.

Bon appetit!

With my lovely and smart senior, Mrs Tika Wihanasari.

At one of my favourite culinary spot in Geneva, Relais de l'Entrecote

Et voila, mes amis

Meet my Geneva-based dearest friends, Ms Adrina, Ms Caroline Siagian and Mr Ludy Suryantoro.

Let's have some Italian dinner for some catch-ups.

Delivering a statement by Indonesia, on behalf of Like-Minded Countries at the IGC GRTKF 39th Session. Of course, I wear my Batik Jember tie proudly.

Bonne nuit...
Good night from JJR (Jean Jacques Rousseau) and JET...

Rousseau was born in Geneva, today his childhood home is turned into a Museum at the Old Town Quartier of the city.

JET wears Batik Jambi shawl.

