The Month of May: Pilgrimage to 10 Grottos of Saint Mary

Hail Mary
Full of Grace
The Lord is with Thee

Image of Saint Mary, Mother of All Tribes in Cathedral Jakarta
 taken by Mr Jos Tandjung

In Europe, the month of May is dedicated to special devotion to Saint Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, since the middle age. Throughout the month of May, Catholic would honor the Virgin Mary as "the Queen of May", including by singing of Marian anthems, readings from scriptures, and pilgrimage to holy places associated and dedicated to Saint Mary.

The fifth month of the calendar is a special month to JET as it is my birth month. Each year I would try my utmost to conduct a pilgrimage. In 2017, while undertaking my PhD in Australia, I attended a mass in the Chapel of Saint Mary MacKillop in North Sydney. In 2018, my parents and I travelled to Sendangsono, Central Java to visit the Shrine of Saint Mary. 

In 2019, JET decides to dedicate the pilgrimage to Saint Mary in a different way. For years I heard about the pilgrimage to nine Shrines of Mary yet I have never done so. So It told myself this is the time conduct the pilgrimage to 10 (ten) Grottoes of Saint Mary in Jakarta and Bandung, where I lived and travelled throughout May. 

For those residing in Jakarta and its surrounding cities, pilgrimage to the Grottoes in Jakarta's area is convenient. Since one does not have to travel out of town to do so.

All these grottoes are hand-picked by JET as each of them represents my rites of passage. From the first pilgrimage in St Theresia church where my Mom serves as one of the Choir's members to the ninth/last one in Cathedral Jakarta where my parents received their holy matrimony. 

There is also a church in Pulomas, East Jakarta, namely St Bonaventura where my late Grandmother used to attend weekly mass. Another Grotto of Saint Mary that leaves an memorable footprint in my heart is the one located in Canisius College in Menteng, Central Jakarta, an All Boys College that I was educated. 

Pilgrimage requires a prepared body and soul to receive the Word of God. Some friends told me that it does not matter to wear anything including a simple t'shirt and torn jeans. I do not think it is correct to stand in front of God, praying and seeking for His blessings while we are dressed shabbily. 

As Indonesians, what would be better than wearing Batik, the pride of Indonesian cultural expression, to give thanks to all His blessings in our lives.

Follow my Instagram(@JETANDJUNG) and Facebook Page (JET's Fashion Diplomacy) to stay updated with JET's continued diary of Fashion Diplomacy anywhere. 

Catatan Singkat untuk Sahabats Peziarah:

Tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa di tengah hiruk pikuk Jakarta, terdapat beberapa tempat peziarahan umat Katolik yang eksis di Ibukota Republik Indonesia, bagaikan oase di tengah padang gurun. Sepuluh Gua Maria ini adalah wujud nyata.

Untuk JET, peziarahan adalah saat kita dapat melakukan kontemplasi dan semakin mengeratkan hubungan dengan Sang Pencipta. Bulan Mei adalah bulan penuh berkah untuk umat Katolik yang dimulai dengan tradisi memanjatkan doa khusus untuk Bunda Maria sepanjang bulan tersebut. Peziarahan ke 9 Gua Maria adalah salah satu wujud devosi kepada Bunda Maria, Bunda Tuhan. 

Benar kita perlu menyiapkan benak dan hati untuk berziarah. Tidak kalah penting juga menjaga kesehatan tubuh serta mengenakan busana yang sopan dan pantas. Tentunya bukan busana untuk jalan-jalan ke Mall atau pun busana saat menghadiri gala dinner. Kenakan Batik sebagai kebanggaan budaya Tanah Air. 

Last but not least, ucapkan doa syukur yang tulus dari dalam hati untuk Sang Pencipta. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. 

May Day: 1st of May 2019 is marked by the initial mass honoring Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God in St Theresia Church, Menteng. 

My parents and I participated in the entry procession.

With my Mother in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary statue right after the procession. Photo taken by my Father.

First Pilgrimage: Saint Mary's Grotto in St Theresia Church, Menteng, Central Jakarta. The grotto looks and feels like a serene oasis in the midst of Jakarta's hustle bustle. 

Second pilgrimage: In the church of St John The Evangelist in Melawai, South Jakarta, the Grotto of Saint Mary is located in its backyard. 

Although without a Grotto, the statue is covered protectively under a large tree. 

In front of the Grotto of Saint Mary in the courtyard of St John The Evangelist.

Third pilgrimage: a blonde Saint Mary in the Sacred Heart of Jesus church in Kramat, Central Jakarta. 

With Mom and Auntie Joula on my third pilgrimage

Fourth pilgrimage: Saint Mary statue made from natural stone in the Blessed Virgin Queen church in Blok Q, South Jakarta.

My parents in front of Virgin Mary statue placed nearby the Altar of the church. 

Fifth pilgrimage: Saint Mary's Shrine in Christ The King church in Pejompongan, Central Jakarta.

Love the floating candles depicting the continued prayers of devout Catholics to Saint Mary.

Instead of a Grotto, the Statue of Saint Mary is located in a fountain which water keeps flowing. So serene. 

Sixth Pilgrimage: Madonna and Child statue in Cathedral of St Peter in Bandung, West Java. 

Grateful to return to the Cathedral in Bandung, a place to worship God The Almighty. My late paternal Grandmother lived in Bandung and she would attend the Sunday mass as well as prayers in this beautiful Cathedral.

Seventh Pilgrimage: Grotto of Saint Mary of the Angels (Sancta Maria degli Angeli) located in the vicinity of Saint Paschalis Church in Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Central Jakarta.

His Eminence Monsignor Michael Angkur, Emeritus Archbishop of Bogor with my parents, Mr Jos and Mrs Henny Tandjung. In the early 1990s, the Archbishop was serving as Parish Priest of St Paschalis. Then he worked closely with my parents to build a more spacious church, where it stands today.

Eighth Pilgrimage: Saint Mary's Shrine in the Church of Saint Bonaventura, Pulomas, East Jakarta. 

With my Mom at the shrine of Saint Mary in the backyard of St Bonaventura Church was the place where my maternal Grandmother stated her weekly prayer after attending a mass in the weekend. My late Oma and auntie lived there for a long time. 

Ninth pilgrimage: Back to Saint Mary's Grotto in Canisius College, the distinguished Catholic All Boys school, where I was educated. 

The beautiful shrine, look at the koi fishes in the pond. Visit the shrine and you'll feel peaceful instantly. 

In front of the Altar in Canisius College's Chapel, the place that I worship and said a morning prayer throughout my study in Junior High and High School. How time flies. 

Tenth pilgrimage: Grotto of Saint Mary of Lourdes located in the courtyard of Cathedral Ascension of Saint Mary in Jakarta.

During the month of May, there is a rosary prayer said daily in front of the Grotto. Hot weather could not interrupt pilgrims and parishioners as well as visitors flocking to pray in this blessed Shrine. 

Ave Maria, Gratia Plena
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
Salam Maria, Penuh Rahmat

Thank You, Mother Mary

