Indonesia is more than just capital Jakarta or the island of Java. 
Indonesia constitutes the whole regions across the country, from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island.
President Joko Widodo - Annual Statement Prior to 74th Independence Day

            The celebration of Independence Day in Indonesia takes place on August 17, 2019. It was on August 17, 1945 that Mr Soekarno delivered the Proclamation statement, proclaiming Indonesia's independence. 

            74 years has passed after that historical day. President Joko Widodo in his annual statement in front of the members of House of Representatives on August 16, 2019, reiterates that Indonesia is not only found in Jakarta, the capital or other major cities, Indonesia constitutes from Sabang to Merauke. 

            In line with President Jokowi's statement, civil servants and officials working at State Ministries and Agencies wear traditional attire from regions of Indonesia at the Independence Day ceremony. 

            Being an Indonesian, a civil servant and an Indonesian diplomat, JET is thoroughly proud to participate in the flag raising ceremony and surely in dressing up in traditional costume. In 2018, I put on a costume crafted from traditional textile from Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara province (http://jetfashiondiplomacy.blogspot.com/2018/08/dirgahayu-republik-indonesia-ke-73.html).

            This time, I am inspired by Madam Yanti Djani, spouse of H.E. Dr Dian Triansyah Djani who currently serves as the Permanent Representative/Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations in New York. During the Eid Mubarak few months earlier, Ibu Yanti, as she is known to her friends, wore a Kerawang hand-embroidered textile from Aceh Gayo region in the island of Sumatera. The dominant color is black yet the embroidery is utterly intricate and handsomely executed in colors. In short, Ibu Yanti looked radiant and charming as she has always been. Within the Foreign Ministry of Indonesia, Ambassador and Madam Djani are those among the inspiring couples who have been actively promoting Indonesian fashion and traditional textile in abroad. 

            Find my photos in the Aceh Gayo costume below. However, before scrolling through my pictures, would you tell me about your experience in attending your Independence Day ceremony? Do you also have to wear your traditional costume? Fellow Indonesians, do share about your excitement in wearing the costume from your own provinces or perhaps from other regions as I wore mine. Friends from other countries, kindly share about your tradition in wearing your traditional outfits during your national day. 

Keep update with JET's work, travel and leisure in promoting Indonesia's fashion diplomacy (IG: @JETANDJUNG) and Facebook Page (@JET's Fashion Diplomacy).
Catatan Singkat untuk Rekans Diplomat dan Sahabat Batik/Wastra
Bangga dan bahagia untuk mengenakan busana daerah kita masing-masing. Tetapi jika tahun lalu rekan dan sahabat telah mengenakan busana dari kampung halaman, cobalah mengikuti Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo dan Ibu Iriana Widodo yang mengenakan busana daerah lain setiap tahunnya. Bukan kah Indonesia terbentang dari Sabang sampai Merauke dari Pulau Miangas sampai Pulau Rote, sebagaimana ditekankan Bapak Presiden dalam sambutan kenegaraan beliau di Gedung MPR/DPR. Wear traditional attire from different region and be proud because we are Indonesians, and be grateful that we are endowed with amazing culture from various regions. This what makes Indonesia so unique and tres special. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, unity in diversity is alive in Indonesia. 

Dirgahayu Indonesiaku. SDM Unggul, Indonesia Maju!

Mr Agus Marsudi and Indonesia's Foreign Minister H.E. Mrs Retno Marsudi dressed up in Javanese attire.

H.E. Madam Retno Marsudi, seen in white long kebaya and matching red-colored jumputan sarong and sash, led the flag raising ceremony in the headquarter of Foreign Ministry in Jakarta. 

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Dr AM Fachir and Madam Yasmin Fachir, put on traditional costumes from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan province. 

At the State Palace: The First and Second Couple in Indonesia's Foreign Ministry. 

Can you spot JET in the Foreign Ministry's instagram? (IG: @kemlu_ri)

JET dressed up in Aceh Gayo traditional hand-embroidered sarong with matching sash and golden colored head piece, inspired by Madam Yanti Djani. 

Ibu Yanti is a keen promoter of Indonesian-made and designed fashion, including traditional textile. She wore Aceh Gayo sarong and sash during the 2019 Eid Mubarak celebration in New York. Terima kasih Ibu Yanti for the inspiration. Looking forward to see Ibu in other fabulous kain Nusantara. 

Wefie with Dr. iur. Damos Agusman, DG for Legal Affairs and International Treaties, and Madam Ermita Damos with Directors in Directorate General for Legal Affairs and International Treaties. 

Another fab wefie with H.E. Mr Mayerfas, Secretary General, Ms Zelda Kartika, Director for America 1, Mrs Ratu Sylvia Gayatri, Secretary to DG for American European Affairs.

With one of the most handsome couples in Foreign Ministry, Dr Yayan GH Mulyana, Head of Centre for Education and Training, with Ibu Irene Mulyana. 

With Mr Hendra Halim, Director for European Affairs 2. Mr Halim wore the handsome Balinese Prince attire.

With Ms. Lefianna H. Ferdinandus, Director for Treaties on Social Cultural Affairs, and a colleague wearing Kalimantan attire. 

My super cool batch mates, Junior Foreign Service Officers Batch 28. 

With Mrs Dewi Wahab, Adviser/Expert Staff to Foreign Minister on Social Cultural Affairs, and Mrs Indah N. Savitri, Deputy Director, together with participants of Junior Diplomatic Course Batch 41. 

With Mr Riaz Saehu, Director for ASEAN Social Cultural Cooperation.

With H.E. Mr Harry Kandou, former Ambassador of Indonesia in Beograd.

With a dear friend, Mrs Adhyanti S. Wirajuda, who is an active promoter of fashion diplomacy too.

With Mr Bebeb AKN Djundjunan, Director for Legal Affairs and Territorial Treaties, and Mrs Fanny Bebeb. 

With Mr Cecep Herawan, DG for Information and Media, Public Diplomacy and Mrs Widya Herawan. 

With Mr Kamapradipta Isnomo, Director for Socio-Cultural Affairs and International Organization for Developing Countries, and Mrs Fifi Isnomo.

With the spouses of Directors at DG for Legal Affairs and International Treaties, Mrs Fanny Bebeb Djundjunan, Mrs Bertha Amrih Jinangkung, Mrs Deli Ricky Suhendar.

Sekdilu 28's conversation: proudly promoting Kain Nusantara. 

Balinese, Lampungnese and Aceh-Gayonese
Mr Sade Bimantara is dressed in Balinese attire, Mrs Indah N. Savitri in Lampungnese and JET is in Aceh Gayonese.

With H.E. Dr Teuku Faizasyah, former Ambassador of Indonesia to Canada, now serves as Advisor/Expert Staff to Foreign Minister on Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

Mrs Anita Luhulima, Secretary to DG for Multilateral Cooperation, served as reader of the Preamble of 1945 Indonesia's Constitution.

Si Patokaan, folk song from North Sulawesi -where my maternal grandparents originate from-, was performed so melodiously by participants of Junior Diplomatic Course Batch 41.

Dirgahayu RI ke-74, SDM Unggul, Indonesia Maju.



  1. Super colorful and amazingly awesomeee. wastra Nusantara is da best!


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