Blow and Batik

“I don't want to be kissed by all and sundry.
I want to be kissed by the people I love” Isabella Blow

One of the joys about living in Sydney is the chance to visit amazing arts exhibition, including fashion. Recently, “Isabella Blow: A Fashionable Life” exhibition was opened in Powerhouse Museum.

Isabella Blow (1958-2007) is the late British fashion icon. Started her career as a stylist and editor in British Vogue and Tatler, each McQueen and Macdonald lover and follower owes a grand lot to her as it was Blow who discovered the talented Alexander McQueen and Julien Macdonald.

Blow was also responsible in launching the career of British Super Models, including Stella Tennat and Sophie Dahl. Blow was also well known as the muse of milliner Philip Treacy. Although Blow wore frocks from various designers, Treacy and McQueen were two of her favourites as she was rarely seen without their eclectic creations.

During her lifetime, Blow was British most famous fashion personality after Diana, Princess of Wales.

Now, what would be more joyful than attending a fashion exhibition? Surely in sharing the experience with a delightful and fashionable comrade.

Meet the lovely Ms Daisy Dare, a darling friend of JET and an Indonesian style influencer.

Follow JET’s fashion adventures in IG (@JETANDJUNG) and Facebook page (JET’s Fashion Diplomacy).

Ps. Catatan Kecil untuk Sahabats Fashionista, Desainers dan Rekans Diplomats,

Mari kita meniru langkah kreatif Isabella Blow dalam mengedepankan perancang busana asal negerinya, Inggris. Di masa jayanya, Blow sebenarnya bisa saja mempromosikan desainer top dari negara lain, seperti Perancis, Italia atau AS. Tetapi sebagai warga negara Inggris, dia memilih menggaungkan para desainer kreatif dari tanah kelahirannya dengan mengenakan busana adikarya mereka. Selain dikenal sebagai stylist dan muse, Blow juga dipuja sebagai ikon yang berhasil memajukan image fashion Inggris yang edgy dan luxurious pada komunitas mode internasional. Selain almarhumah Princess Diana dan kini Duchess Catherine, Blow merupakan ikon diplomasi mode Inggris.

Sebagai warga negara Indonesia, kita semua berperan sebagai Duta Bangsa saat berkunjung keluar negeri, termasuk saat menghadiri berbagai pameran seni dan pagelaran budaya. Tampil menarik pada suatu pameran adalah nilai plus, sedangkan tampil menarik dalam balutan kain Nusantara pada suatu pameran di luar negeri adalah nilai plus plus. Plus pertama artinya anda bangga dengan Tanah Air anda dengan tetap mengenakan Batik dan kain Nusantara. Sementara plus kedua berarti anda jeli dan cekatan dalam mempromosikan busana Indonesia pada fashion event di luar negeri. Pada setiap kesempatan, JET kerap kali menampilkan Batik dan kain Nusantara dari propinsi-propinsi di Indonesia. Kali ini JET mengenakan syal Batik karya Dudung Alisyahbana, maestro Batik asal Pekalongan. Lihat betapa warna gading dan terracotta syal Batik Dudung tampil kontras dengan leather jacket dan dipermanis dengan clutch karya Novita Villanueva untuk Envy Batik. Tidak sulit bukan untuk tampil keren dengan mengenakan karya desainer Indonesia? Dearest friends, keep up our glam appearances in abroad by putting on our gorgeous Batik accessories. Never forget to always include a Batik shawl in your handbag whenever you travel.

JET with the fab Mother and her stylish toddler son, Daisy and Aaron Dare (IG: @dmdare).

JET wears Batik silk shawl by Dudung Alisyahbana, an Indonesian Batik maestro from Pekalongan. The pattern on the shawl is called Parang (Dagger).

The custom leather clutch is designed by Novita Villanueva, the designer of Envy Batik (IG: @envy.batik).

The rare bird of fashion with yours truly.

Blow’s black wardrobe collection, mostly by Alexander McQueen. Hats were designed by Philip Treacy.

Look at that neon fuschia fascinator! Divineee.

A vision in white with a shade of fuschia.

Up close and personal with Blow and her dresses.

Each outfit of Blow is accompanied by a lovely head piece.

Isabella Blow has the most dazzling collection of dresses.

The late designer and his muse & confidante, Alexander McQueen and Isabella Blow. May these two fashion visionaries rest in peace.

When Brits McQueen meets Scottish Tartan as worn by Blow.

Blow, baby, blow!!!

This McQueen collection was created as an ode to Charles James, an American couturier.

Never ending fabulous frocks of Blow.

McQueen era in Givenchy was famously marked by this deer horn hat.

Out of this world coat by Yoshiki Hishinuma, another staple collection of Blow which attracted large crowds.

Simply pretty coat adorned by Isabella Blow in her lifetime.

That shoessss by Benoit Meleard.

McQueen in happier times at Isabella Blow’s home, The Hilles House in Gloucester countryside.

Toot toot… take us home now, please… J

