Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world 
Nelson Mandela

            Graduation is a day to celebrate one's conclusion of tireless study. We learn from kindergarten up to post-graduate study that graduation is a joyful celebration. A Doctoral graduation is even more special as it marks the long journey of research on a specific issue. Another special element of a Doctoral graduation is because it is the very last of graduation that one could embark in one's life.

            To JET, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduation is not only a joyful celebration to mark the finale of my research study but it also signs the beginning of my time to contribute more to the office that I consider my second home, the Foreign Ministry of Indonesia.

            Taking into account that my PhD study focused on legal protection of traditional cultural expression which core was the case study on Batik, the most iconic traditional textile of Indonesia, I intended my graduation dress to represent the multi-ethnic nation that I am proud to call my country. 

            Together with Defrico Audy, a well-known Indonesian designer which works have placed Indonesian traditional textile in international arena, I have prepared an outfit assembled from Tapis (golden-thread hand-woven textile). 

            Originated in the province of Lampung in the most Southern part of Sumatera island, Tapis is a traditional textile that is worn by Lampungnese during events that mark rites of passage, including births and weddings. For centuries, Tapis is worn in the traditional manner, which is in the form of a sarong for men and women of nobility. 

            In the 21st century, Tapis has been transformed into wearable modern attire, from handsome jackets to men and elegant dresses for women. One of the examples is the jacket designed by Defrico Audy for JET's graduation. Unlike the traditional golden thread Tapis which is woven in the whole cloth, the golden thread Tapis is only woven in the upper and hand part of jacket. 

            Similar to JET's research study which aims to enhance the knowledge of traditional craftsmen and craftswomen about modern law on Intellectual Property Right to protect their creations, the design goal of this Tapis jacket is to introduce Australians and foreigners that Indonesian traditional textile could be converted into a thoroughly wearable outfit.

            Indonesians, we must be deeply thankful to our ancestors as we are endowed with illustrious long list of traditional cultural expressions. One of which is Tapis Lampung, which is a stunning fashion garment. To honour our ancestor is not to keep the Tapis or other traditional textile in the cupboards as they would get dusty and ancient. In fact, to honour the ancestors as well as those who have spent their times in crafting the meticulous traditional textile is to wear it proudly and elegantly in formal events, most notably in graduation ceremony. 

            See more of JET's vivid documentation in Instagram (@JETANDJUNG) as well as Facebook Page (JET's Fashion Diplomacy). 

Catatan Singkat untuk Rekans Diplomat dan Sahabat Batik/Wastra
Wisuda merupakan suatu acara bahagia bagi sang wisudawan/wisudawati dan keluarganya. Wisuda Doktoral yang perlu melewati masa riset dan disertasi yang panjang tentu menjadi suatu momen yang sangat dinantikan. Untuk itu, persiapkan diri sebaik-baiknya menjelang acara yang dinantikan tersebut. Penyiapan busana yang akan dikenakan adalah salah satu elemen penting. Wouldn't we all wish to look our best in our very own graduation? Tampilkan kebhinekaan budaya Indonesia melalui busana yang dikenakan saat wisuda. 

Kali ini JET memilih memakai Graduation Dress a la Indonesian Mode yaitu jaket yang terbuat dari Tapis Lampung. Dengan warna dasar merah hitam dan benang emas, jaket tersebut berpadu serasi dengan jubah Doktor dari Fakultas Hukum University of Sydney. Yakinlah bahwa saat kita mengenakan busana dari Tapis, Batik, Tenun dan kain Nusantara lainnya, kita menampilkan identitas budaya kita sebagai warga negara Indonesia. Cinta bangsa Indonesia = pakai produk bangsa Indonesia. 

The PhD Graduate with his parents, the most enthusiastic yet demanding supporters. :) :) :) 

Regal jacket that matches the academic robe designed by Defrico Audy. (IG:@defrico_audy).

Mom's embroidered kebaya by Nita Seno Adji (IG: @nitasenoadjiofficial)

Two PhDs & 1 SJD getting ready to the ceremony

The solemn entry ceremony of Chancellor of Sydney University followed with the Professors of Sydney University's Law Faculty. 

The welcoming remarks by Ms Belinda Hutchinson, The Chancellor of Sydney University

The calling of the graduates.

The speech by The Honorable Thomas Bathurst, Chief Justice of New South Wales as the recipient of Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa). 

JET's Graduation Ceremony in a glimpse 

The Guest of Honor: Indonesia's Consul General to New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland, Mr Heru Subolo, with JET. 

B & W session in The Quadrangle.

Tis' the season of changing leaves' colours. 

The majestic Clock Tower of Sydney University. 

Father & Son's Moment
Mother & Lion's Encounter :)

How I will miss this corner at the Quadrangle.

Mom showing me how to take a snapshot in front of Harbour Bridge, the icon of Sydney 

Sydney and The Opera House are inseparable. So here is JET and Mom with Australia's beloved landmark. Photo credit: beloved Dad.

